Drug Crimes
Lon Kemeness focuses extensively on the defense of drug-related charges. As your lawyer he will keep fighting the Government against all odds on your behalf. He will fight aggressively for you. He understands that your freedom is on the line. His qualifications and training often result in reduced or eliminated jail time.
Mr. Kemeness works to maintain an excellent working relationship with prosecutors, judges, and law enforcement personnel throughout the state. You can hire him as your lawyer with confidence, knowing that he will do everything he can to represent your interests and protect your rights. When you need the finest criminal defense attorney on your side, it’s time to call the best.
Drug Crimes involving controlled substances, including possession, possession with intent to sell, distribution, trafficking, and manufacturing of:
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Meth, Crystal Meth
- Heroin
- MDMA (Ecstasy)
- Pharmaceuticals, and more.